Highstreet Fashion for the family – July/August ’18

Oh hello, hello, hellooo-ohhh! It’s one of the first of many fashion pieces on the ‘ZaraLouUniverse’ and because we usually shop as a family I’ve decided to make this one a family haul.  Because we all wear clothes right? Right.  

So! here are a few picks from our top faves: New Look, Primark, H&M and Marks and Spencer!

First up, Menswear.


Primark really came into play for the OH this week with their latest range of Gamer tees.  The OH isn’t a fashion follower at all, he has his own style that he’s had since like, forever! So these tees fit in perfectly with his current style at a fantastic price.

They’re cut well, felt comfortable against the skin, and the prints were done really well (they don’t look like they’ll crack after a few washes that’s for sure!) Primark did Gamer dudes good!


For Kidswear we continued through Primark for ‘booboo’, his style does somewhat mirror his fathers as he loves anything gaming related, and Primark again hit the ball out of the park with their Nintendo themed products.  The Pokemon Pokeball jumper was his absolute favourite, although not ideal in this heatwave it’s definitely one to put up come autumn and sprinkle a dash of pokecolour come the fall season!  He also picked up a Union Jack T-shirt for less than £2, and after a school project on flags, this made booboo a very happy chappie!


Bunny wanted some vests, for that we headed to Marks and Spencer – we love the quality of their kids’ range (especially 0-3 years) as they wash and wear incredibly well.  Picking out some sets of vests she seemed rather happy with her findings, their cotton material is comfortable and breathable for her sensitive skin and the piping on the one vest was super cute, our only negative was that the straps consistently fell down over her shoulders despite the vests fitting her well.  With no option to tighten the straps, this may need a little stitch here and there to make it a comfortable fit for her.


We then set off to H&M where we found her the perfect sun hat.  Bunny made a beeline for this kawaii straw hat and we couldn’t resist getting it for her.  It retains its shape well, and the cute shape pressed in ears give it that ultra level of squee. She’s been complimented on it repeatedly, and people are so shocked to hear its from H&M!


Finally Womenswear,

The trip was mainly to go grab me some new style of clothing (away from my sweaty jeggings) and after a failed run in Primark I turned to my other bargain beauties on the high street, New Look. 

The store was stocked with many a playsuit and key pieces to take you from summer/autumn well.  A colour story of khakis, browns and rusts, pops of mustard yellow and dashes of blue were present.  The whole vibe of their current collection seems to have inspirations from various decades.

The knot tops aren’t cotton, however, feel really nice to wear even in the heat.  They’re lightweight, soft and comfortable.  Unfortunately, the black one comes up a lot shorter than the striped one on me but its livable.  Alongside the gorgeous mustard yellow ‘have a nice day’ t-shirt, I got a lot of 70’s vibes from these pieces.  Playing in the streets with chopper bokes and metal skates oozed from them, alongside an order at Wimpy.

The trousers are honestly… Why have I never worn anything other than jeggings before? SO MUCH FREEDOM! – these stretchy trousers came in so many different styles it was hard to choose, so I went with ones that I thought I could work with current pieces I have sat in my wardrobe.  Super comfy and affordable, I got 50s/60s vibes from these pieces, the belt tie on the striped trousers, in particular, oozed the time period well and wear like a dream.  They’re also cropped, COME AT MY LEGS SUN!


The khaki playsuit was an absolute dream to wear, although my tummy needed some extra help with Spanx (them wonderful things), it felt so lightweight and wasn’t a complete faff to wear at all.  My only miff was that right by the belt, the one button area just insisted on being open and exposing my belly! I just smiled and carried on.  The compliments on this colour against my skin have come through by the bucketloads – this piece was well worth the money!


I also grabbed some espadrilles, unfortunately, the ties on these are crazy long and I’m not entirely sure how they’re meant to be worn, but they’re comfy nonetheless.


Our family shop proved quite a hit (aside from a few niggles) but goes to show that yet again, the UK high street always comes up trumps for us as a family on a budget!



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All pieces in this post were purchased by the author and all views are their (and families) own 🙂

12 thoughts on “Highstreet Fashion for the family – July/August ’18

  1. I love the mustard coloured top you are wearing in your pics. I think I may find something similar. You really suit anything and everything. 😊You are rocking that Green jumpsuit. Love it! ❤️ I really like the tops you got from Primark for your partner. I think I may see if my partner wants to go shopping for some new tops! 😊 Thank you for this engaging and fun post! Love it! ❤️🌸xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you doll! The yellow top is so, so cute I adore it! I haven’t had much opportunity to wear the jumpsuit since but it’s definitely going to be one I crack out during warmer seasons! And oh my gosh primark can turn out some real winners for the guys! X


  2. Honestly, I’d wear what you daughter picked! Maybe not the same size ahhaha
    I love your picks as well. That playsuit is gorgeous on you. And I think my OH would make the same geeky choices as yours. As a matter of fact, he does each time he goes to Primark!

    Liked by 1 person

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